Wednesday, September 14; Leaving the Mt. Rushmore area for the Badlands with a visit to Wall Drugs first!!!!

This will be our last day of National Parks for the trip; our last day of site seeing or sight seeing. Thursday and Friday will be total travel days except for a quick stop at the Corn Palace.

Corky found Wall Drugs quite intoxicating! He's ready to go back!

(It's very nice they allowed dogs in the store except the restaurant.)

Below is the front of Wall Drug Store. I was there maybe 15 years ago. The store and the town have grown immensely. When I was there, I only remember the Best Western where I stayed. It, too, has grown. We did a tiny bit of shopping and looking then grabbed some lunch. Unfortunately, neither Judy nor I were super pleased with our choices. There are other places to eat in Wall besides Wall Drugs. Yes, there are signs for miles prior to reaching wall.

Next stop . . .

At the first heading east from the west entrance, we saw the following sights!!

The shot below is a closer look at what the formations consist of. (Poor grammar. It's late.)

This is how I saw Judy most of the way through the Badlands. I drove and she took most of the photos.

Corky absolutely loved the hot Badlands!!

Colors from throughout the drive through the Badlands.

At the visitors' center on the east side there was a paleontologist working on and ancient scull. We could  see what she was working on on a monitor. Very neat.

After dinner we went out and sat. Where it had been uncomfortable before dinner was fantastic after dinner. It was dark. Comfortably breezy! Even though our spot is near the office and the brighter lights, we could see some stars. What we could see better were the bats flitting around eating bugs! We walked to the backside of the park and more stars were visible even though there were some clouds. Judy captured the shot below. 

Good night.
