
Showing posts from September, 2022
 Friday, September 16; Day 20 Home around 6:00 pm No post on Thursday. It was a long day of driving with a special stop early afternoon at the famous CORN PALACE!!!!! Of course, the pics did not load the way I had hoped. The bottom on is in the Badlands on our way out. I liked the shot because if you zoom in a little bit, you can see mini buttes. Very different. The top shot is of the Missouri River at the site of the Dignity statue. Dignity Statue The famous Corn Palace! The front. The left side. This is a close up of the right side to see the materials used. Selfie. Right side of the front. The Corn Palace is an area for concerts and basketball. This week mini bull riding. Video of the arena. Entering The Badlands National Park YIKES! The pictures of the Badlands are not in chronological order. This is how I saw Judy through much of the Badlands! These kind of colors were more prevalent on the west side where the sedimentary layers were more on the east side. This is our last campsit
 Wednesday, September 14; Leaving the Mt. Rushmore area for the Badlands with a visit to Wall Drugs first!!!! This will be our last day of National Parks for the trip; our last day of site seeing or sight seeing. Thursday and Friday will be total travel days except for a quick stop at the Corn Palace. Corky found Wall Drugs quite intoxicating! He's ready to go back! (It's very nice they allowed dogs in the store except the restaurant.) Below is the front of Wall Drug Store. I was there maybe 15 years ago. The store and the town have grown immensely. When I was there, I only remember the Best Western where I stayed. It, too, has grown. We did a tiny bit of shopping and looking then grabbed some lunch. Unfortunately, neither Judy nor I were super pleased with our choices. There are other places to eat in Wall besides Wall Drugs. Yes, there are signs for miles prior to reaching wall. Next stop . . . At the first heading east from the west entrance, we saw the following sights!! Th
Tuesday, September 14. Day 17  This was a big day for photo ops! The first stop of the day was the Crazy Horse Memorial which has been in the works for so long. The first and third shots show the work as it is today. The shots of the remaining shots are of a Lakota hoop dancer. Her 45 minute show was very well planned and executed. She did a lot of teaching in an entertaining way. So good for sharing the native American perspective. The three photos below are of museum displays. Below is the artist's model of the finished product. They are currently working on the pointing finger. The nature gate displays metal depictions of flora and fauna of all types and eras. The Fighting Horse statue is near the great gate. From Crazy Horse we moved to Custer Wildlife Loop. To get there we travel up, down, and around. Great scenery! Distant views were marred again today by smoke from wildfires from far away. Traveling through the wildlife loop we drove through the Bison Center. It took awhile