Morning number two: Leaving the twin cities with Bismarck, ND the goal - over 400 miles. Our morning got of to a messy and late start because of a couple of rookie mistakes on my part.

The top picture is the Minneapolis River and the bottom of the skyline of Minneapolis while we were heading for I94.

Unlike Illinois where the crops usually corn and beans, Minnesota (and ND) also grows hay. In both states, one sees wetland grasses along the highway and in the fields. Today they were waving their little arms off because the winds were ferocious.

Towns and gas stations were getting further apart. Judy had seen a sign that said Dawson had gas. She saw this many miles before the exit. We crept into this little berg to discover this sign at the far end of town. The place looked closed. Come to find out it wasn't. It was the only show in this town of maybe 74. We must have made the owner's day - $150+ later.

This a ND rest stop fashioned after an old time gas station.

Welcome to ND!

These water features dotted ND"s landscape as we drove by. Some of them were quite picturesque with the blue, blue water and waving water grasses around the edges. Others had whitecaps indicating how strong the winds were. Judy explained they were a product of glacial movement. See her blog. 

Corky standing guard as Judy and I enjoy wine time.


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