Judy and I have been traveling together in one capacity or another for 40 years. We started with chaperoning LVI students on various student trips. 

I accompanied Judy to Charlottesville, VA when she did her archeological work at Monticello, a trip I will never forget. We had free range of the mansion during a welcome event for those staying for the summer. It was my first trip to VA. Travels mushroomed to include travel with Joe and Dave and even international travel.

Now in a whole other stage of our lives - becoming widows, COVID, Zoom and other technological developments, and my owning a dog - I purchased my RV which has opened up a whole bunch of new travel opportunities.

Many of our friends have suggested we start a blog as if Facebook isn't enough! We have had two successful trips in the RV which didn't really seem blog worthy. Now we are on the verge of our second trip to the Galapagos Islands. We are not taking the RV, but this trip certainly seems far more blog worthy.



  1. Great beginning. Looking forward to following your adventures!! Have a safe journey!

  2. Awesome! I am excited to see your photos and hearing about your adventures!

  3. Have fun ladies! Can't wait to see your pics...


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